from z3 import * from hashlib import sha512 import sys def verify(x, chalbox): length, gates, check = chalbox b = [(x >> i) & 1 for i in range(length)] for name, args in gates: if name == 'true': b.append(1) else: u1 = b[args[0][0]] ^ args[0][1] u2 = b[args[1][0]] ^ args[1][1] if name == 'or': b.append(u1 | u2) elif name == 'xor': b.append(u1 ^ u2) return b[check[0]] ^ check[1] def dec(x, w): z = int(sha512(str(int(x))).hexdigest(), 16) return '{:x}'.format(w ^ z).decode('hex') if len(sys.argv) < 3: print('Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' ') print('Example: Try Running ' + sys.argv[0] + ' 11443513758266689915 map1.txt') exit(1) with open(sys.argv[2], 'r') as f: cipher, chalbox = eval( s = Solver() init_key = BitVec('key', int(math.log2(1 << chalbox[0])) + 1) print('Mod operand:', 1 << chalbox[0]) key = init_key % (1 << chalbox[0]) print('Attempting to decrypt ' + sys.argv[2] + '...') constraint = verify(key, chalbox) != 0 print('Type of constraint:', type(constraint)) s.add(constraint) if s.check() == unsat: raise Exception('The problem is not sat') m = s.model() print('Got the key \\o/') print(m[init_key])